Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Harry Pether
Bombardier/ Band Master. 30th Battery 8th FAB. SN 22018. Died of Wounds received in Action 24.4.1918. Age 21 years
Rectory, Middle Swan, near Midland, WA
Date Enlisted | 22/12/1915 |
Service Number | SN 22018 |
Age of Enlistment | 18 years 9 months |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Esperance, WA |
Previous Military Experience | 88th Infantry for 5 months and was serving on enlistment |
Occupation | University student |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Father The Rev. Alfred Burton, Middle Swan near Midland Junction, WA |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
DoW (Died of Wounds) |
Military History
Enlisted as Private, transferred to Artillery as Gunner 20.1.1916. Transferred to Maribyrnong, Victoria. Burton was enlisted into the 23rd Howitzer Brigade, 107th Battery.
Embarked Melbourne per HMAT A7 ‘Medic’ for England 20.5.1916.
Roll Rank Gunner.
Roll Unit 23rd Howitzer Brigade, 107th Battery.
Burton disembarked at Plymouth with the 23rd Howitzer Brigade, 10th Battery 18.7.1916. He marched in to Artillery Details for training. Burton proceeded overseas to France from Southampton 31.12.1916. He was transferred from the 23rd Field Artillery Brigade to the 8th Field Artillery Brigade, 30th Battery, 8th Field Artillery Brigade 6.1.1917. Burton was transferred to the 3rd Division Training School 28.1.1917. He rejoined the 30th Battery, 8th Australian Field Artillery 4.2.1917 on the Somme. His battery fought at Arras, Polygon Woods, Messines and Ypres.
Burton was detached to 3rd Division Ammunition Column 23.7.1917 and rejoined his detachment, the 8th Australian Field Artillery Brigade 2.8.1917. He was promoted to Temporary Bombardier 24.9.1917 and to Bombardier and Band Master 24.12.1917. Burton took leave to England 21.3.1918. He rejoined his unit in France as a Gunner 9.4.1918 and was subsequently severely wounded in action 24.4.1918. A letter from Cpl. A.W. Ellis describes how Burton and 2 others were hit directly by a shell in their trench.( The other 2 died, however, Burton receieved severe wounds to his body and legs. He was taken to the advanced 11th Field Ambulance Dressing Station at Heilly, however, died of wounds there the next day. Burton was buried in a private garden at Heilly-sur-Somme No. 2, Row A, Grave 16 His mates planted primroses on his grave. Under the direction of the Imperial War Graves Commission in 1925, Burton’s remains were exhumed and re-interred to a site near Corbie, the Ribemont sur L’Ancre - Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France, Plot 3, Row C, Grave 1.
Final Rank Bombardier, 30th Battery 8th Field Artillery Brigade.
Medical Condition. Deceased, died of wounds.
Awards and Medals British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Burton’s personal possessions were lost when the ship, SS ‘Barunga’ was sunk through enemy action, together with all its cargo
Photo Cadet HP Burton at GGS. Photograph sourced and reproduced with permission of the Guildford Grammar School Archives
Australian Artillery, Bapaume area, Somme, Picardie, France. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00600
Burton Harry. Letter from Cpl A.W. Ellis sourced from Geraldton Guardian 10.8.1918 p4
30th AFA Battery at Vieux Berquin, France January 1918. Burton 2nd row from front, 11th from right. Photograph sourced from Australian War Memorial E01533
Ribbemont sur L'Ancre Communal Cemetery. Photograph source AWG photographic archive
Information Source
AWG. Ribbemont Sur L'Ancre Communal Cemetery. Photograph source Australian War Graves Photgraphic Archives
AWM E01533. 30th Battery AFA 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00600. Australian Artillery, Bapaume area, Somme, Picardie, France. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
Australian War Memorial Embarkation Roll- Harry Pether Burton
Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour- Harry Pether Burton
Geraldton Guardian
Guildfrd Grammar School ArchivesCadet HP Burton at GGS. Photograph sourced and reproduced with permission of the Guildford Grammar School Archives
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
Guildford Grammar School War Memorial
NAA: B2455, Pether H P 22018
Rectory, Middle Swan, Near Midland Junction, WA.
Associated Images

Cadet HP Burton at GGS. Photgraph sourced and reproduced with permission of the Guildford Grammar School Archives.jpg
Australian Artillery, Bapaume area, Somme, Picardie, France. Photographer unknown, image source AWM E00600
Burton Harry. Letter from Cpl A.W. Ellis sourced from Geraldton Guardian 10.8.1918 p4
30th AFA Battery at Vieux Berquin,France January 1918. Burton 2nd row from front, 11th from right
Ribbemont sur L'Ancre Communal Cemetery. Photograph source AWG photographic archive