Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Horace Bertram (Bert)
Corporal. 10th Light Horse Regiment. SN 10. Returned 30.7.1919
Date Enlisted | 22/10/1914 |
Service Number | SN 10 |
Age of Enlistment | 18 years 5 months |
Place of Enlistment | Guildford, WA |
Place of Birth | Geraldton, WA |
Previous Military Experience | 3 months ‘H’ Coy 88th Infantry |
Occupation | Clerk |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Sanford Street, Geraldton, WA (Father - E.H.O. Brede) |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘Mashobra’ A4 for Egypt 8.2.1915.
Roll Rank Signaller/Trooper.
Roll Unit 10th Light Horse, 3rd Light Horse Brigade.
Brede disembarked with the 10th Light Horse in Egypt. He underwent a period of intensive training, before embarking at Alexandria for Gallipoli with Mediterranean Expeditionary Force 16.5.1915. Whilst fighting at Gallipoli , he becam ill and was admitted to the Casualty Clearing Station 17.9.1915 with diarrhoea dysentery and embarked for Malta and St Patrick’s Hospital. He was then transferred by Hospital Ship ‘Esquibo’ to Heliopolis Egypt 17.1.1916.
Brede was discharged from hospital to duty 17.1.1916 and rejoined his Regiment at Serapeum 26.2.1916. He was promoted to Corporal 21.8.1916. Brede fought at Beersheba 31.10.1916 and wrote of his experience to relatives (South West Times Bunbury 9.3.1918 p2. He was wounded in action in field at Abbassia 19.4.1917 with a gunshot wound to his shoulder. He was transferred by the 6th Mounted Battalion Field Ambulance to the 53rd Welsh Casualty Clearing Station and then transferred to the 24th Stationary Hospital in Cairo. He was transferred to the 14th Australian General Hospital at Abbassia 23.4.1917. Brede was discharged to Moascar rest camp and then taken on strength with the 3rd Light Horse Training Regiment 12.5.1917. He was transferred to the 10th Light Horse Regiment 9.6.1917 and taken on strength at Shellal 10.6.1917. Brede was sent to the Rest Camp at Port Said for unspecified reasons 3.10.1917 and transferred to hospital 18.12.1917, noted with an ingrown toe nail 24.12.1917 at the 24th Stationary Hospital. Brede’s foot problems were diagnosed as Onychia for which he was hospitalised for a further period. Brede was transferred to Staff at Australian Imperial Force HQ in Cairo 16.2.1919.
He was promoted to Sergeant Voyage Only 3.7.1919.
Embarked per HT ‘Malta’ 3.7.1919 for Australia.
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 30.7.1919.
Discharged 28.9.1919.
Final Rank Signaller/Corporal, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Australian Imperial Force Head Quarters.
Medical Condition NK (history of onychia nail disease)
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Brede returned to WA and worked with Messrs Dalgetty and Coys Merchandising Dept. in gerladton and later Perth.(Geraldton Guardian 23.11.1922 p3)
Photos SS 'Mashobra'. Photographer unknown, photograph source Naval Collection AWM
Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove,Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans, photograph source AWM A05763
Abassia Hospital, Cairo 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C03543
Information Source
AWM P10509.023.00. SS 'Mashobra'. Photographer unknown, photograph source Naval Collection from the Australian War Memorial
AWM A05763. Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove,Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM C03543. Abassia Hospital, Cairo 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
Australian War Memorial Embarkation Roll- Horace Bertram Brede
Geraldton Guardian
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
NAA: B2455, Brede H B 10
South West Times
Sanford Street, Geraldton, WA.
Associated Images
SS 'Mashobra'. Photographer unknown, photograph source Naval Collection AWM P10509.023.00
Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove,Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans. Photograph source AWM A05763
Abassia Hospital, Cairo 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C03543