Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Clifford Pierce
Trooper, 10th Light Horse. SN 3311. Returned 24.9.1918 Invalided
Date Enlisted | 15/08/1916 |
Service Number | SN 3311 |
Age of Enlistment | 21 years |
Place of Enlistment | Albany, WA |
Place of Birth | Adelaide, SA |
Previous Military Experience | B and Infantry |
Occupation | Salesman |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | No. 4 Auxiliary Hospital, Albany. NOK - Mother - Mrs Florence Edith Strempel, Pakenham Street, Mt Lawley, WA |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
Returned Invalided |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle A15 ‘ Port Sydney’ 9.5.1917 for Egypt.
Roll Rank Trooper.
Roll Unit 11th Reinf, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Strempel disembarked with his unit in Egypt 20.6.1917. He was evacuated to the Govt. Hospital at Suez on arrival with Myocarditis. Strempel was transferred to 14th Australian General Hospital 23.6.1917. On discharge he joined the Details Camp 12.7.1917.He was reported AWOL 20.7.1917. Strempel rejoined his Reinf. 27.7.1917. He was transferred to 10th Light Horse 11.8.1917. He reported sick to hospital in Moascar 6.3.1918 and was diagnosed with Neurasthenia. He remained hospitalized until 30.6.1918. Strempel was transferred to Suez for embarkation to Australia for ‘a change’ 30.8.1918.
Embarked Suez for Australia per ‘Wiltshire’ 30.8.1918
Returned/Disembarked 24.9.1918
Discharged 15.10.1918
Final Rank Trooper/Private 10th Light Horse.
Medical Condition Invalided, Neurasthenia
Awards and Medals British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Photos HMAT 'Port Sydney' A15. Originally 'Star of England'. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C02483
Panorama of the 14th General Hospital Port Said, 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM P08401.015
C.P. Strempel. West Australian 15.5.1918 p7. War Casualties.
Information Source
AWM C02483. HMAT 'Port Sydney' A15. Originally Star of England. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM P08401.015. Panorama of the 14th General Hospital Port Said, 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll Strempel Clifford Price.
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
NAA: B2455, Strempel Clifford Pierce
West Australian
Albany, WA.
Pakenham Street, Mt Lawley, WA. (mother)
Associated Images
HMAT 'Port Sydney' A15. Originally Star of England. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C02483
Panorama of the 14th General Hospital Port Said, 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM P08401.015
C.P. Strempel. West Australian 15.5.1918 p7. War Casualties