Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
James (William John)
RSM (WO 1st Class). ( SN 360.) Returned December 1918.
11 Hubert Street, Guildford, WA / Johnson Street, Guildford, WA
Date Enlisted | 02/09/1914 |
Service Number | SN 360 |
Age of Enlistment | 36 years 10 months |
Place of Enlistment | Blackboy Hill, WA |
Place of Birth | Marylebone, London, England (also listed Belfast, Ireland) |
Previous Military Experience | 12 years Royal Irish Lancers. Cpl |
Occupation | Packer at Padbury Stores Guildford (WAN 23.4.1914) |
Marital Status | Married |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | NK |
Address History | Wife - Mrs Florence Maude Stanfield, Hubert Street, Guildford, WA. Then to Johnson Street, Guildford, WA (1916) |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘Ascanius’ A11 for Egypt 2.11.1914.
Roll Rank Sergeant.
Roll Unit 3rd Brigade, 11th Infantry Battalion, ‘C’ Company.
Stanfield disembarked in Egypt. He entrained to Alexandria and joined the MEF for embarkation to the Dardanelles 2.3.1915. The 3rd Bde. provided the covering force for the landing on 25.4.1915. The 11th Bn. was heavily involved in defending the front line at ANZAC (AWM 11th Bn.). He was promoted Coy. Sgt. Major 11.7.1915 at Gallipoli. Stanfield was promoted to Regimental Sgt. Major at Lemnos 11.10.1915. Following the evacuation from Gallipoli, Stanfield returned to Alexandria per ‘Empress of Britain’ 7.1.1916. He was promoted to Warrant Officer at Ismailia 1.2.1916 and then transferred to the 1st Pioneers at Serapeum 1.3.1916. The 1st Pioneers formed part of the 1st Division AIF. Stanfield embarked at Alexandria with BEF for France 26.3.1916. He disembarked at Marseilles 2.4.1916. Stanfield was granted leave 2.5.1916. He returned to his unit. The 1st Pioneers fought at Pozieres in July 1916 and then manned trenched near Ypres in Flanders until late 1916 (1st Pioneers Wikipedia). He fought with the Pioneers at Bullecourt, Arras and in the Third Battle of Ypres during 1917 (1st Pioneers Wikipedia). Stanfield proceeded to the 2nd Army Musketry School 26.1.1918 then rejoined his Unit 17.2.1918. Stanfield was sent to Army HQ London for Transport Duties to Australia 28.2.1918.
Embarked UK for Australia per ‘Kenilworth Castle’ 12.3.1918
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 28.4.1918
Returned to UK date unknown
Embarked for Australia. per SS ‘Boonah’ 29.10.1918
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 12.1918 (on Furlough) (West Australian Newspaper 6.12.1918))
Discharged/ Appointment terminated NK
Final Rank RSM 1st Pioneers (1st Class Warrant Officer)
Medical Condition NK
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Known as James or Jim, his full name was William John. Stanfield chose to enlist under the preferred name of James. Death of Jim (William John) Stanfield husband of Florence Maude. Died 18.3.1941 (West Australian Newspaper 19.3.1941).
Photos William James Stanfield. Photograph sourced and reproduced with permission of M. Manning
HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph source AWM H16157
Landing at Gallipoli on the morning of 25.4.1915. Photographer A. Joyner, photograph source AWM P00035.001
Shell craters at Pozieres 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00508
Information Source
AWM H16157. HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Roll of the Australian War Memorial
AWM P00035.001. Landing at Gallipoli on the morning of 25.4.1915. Photographer A. Joyner, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00508. Shell craters at Pozieres 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll
Guildford War Memorial
Manning M. Photograph James Stanfield, sourced and reproduced with permission.
NAA: B2455, Stanfield James
St Matthew’s Honour Roll
West Australian Newspaper
Wise H. and Coy. Western Australian Post Office Directories. SLWA
1st Division AIF
11 Hubert Street, Guildford, WA.
Johnson Street, Guildford, WA.
Associated Images
William John (James) Stanfield. Photo source M.Manning
HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph source AWM H16157
Landing at Gallipoli on the morning of 25.4.1915. Photographer A. Joyner, photograph source AWM P00035.001
Shell craters at Pozieres 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00508