Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Clive Myrell
Lieut. 1st Aust. Div. Australian Trench Mortar Battery. Returned 13.12.1918
Date Enlisted | 27/08/1914 |
Service Number | SN 1855/ Lieut |
Age of Enlistment | 23 years |
Place of Enlistment | Blackboy Hill, WA |
Place of Birth | Perth, WA |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Clerk |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Methodist |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Mrs Carter (mother), Shenton Road, Claremont, WA |
Military History
Embarked HT ‘Rangatira’ A22 for Egypt 25.9.1914.
Roll Rank 2nd Lieut.
Roll Unit 1st Division, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, 8th Battery Field Artillery
Shenton disembarked in Egypt. He joined the MEF in Alexandria and embarked for Gallipoli with his Bde. 4.4.1915. During this action at Gallipoli, 31 artillery men from the 3rd FAB were killed (Australian Light Horse-Gallipoli Campaign 3rd FAB) Shenton was promoted to Bdr. at Gallipoli 21.7.1915. He was evacuated from the Gallipoli Peninsula with his Bde. per HT ‘Ulysses’ and disembarked at Alexandria 22.12.1915. He was promoted to Cpl. at Tel-el-Kebir 21.2.1916 and Provisional Sgt. 9.3.1916. Shenton joined the BEF at Alexandria and embarked for France 23.3.1916. He disembarked at Marseilles and transferred to the 24th Battery 29.3.1916. Shenton was promoted to Sub Sgt 9.3.1916. He was seconded to work with Trench Mortar Battery and promoted to 2nd Lieut 22.4.1916. Shenton was promoted to Lieut. 1.8.1916. He was admitted to hospital with a nasal obstruction 30.8.1916. Shenton was taken on strength ex his discharge from hospital after 96 days 18.12.1916. Shenton was transferred to England with a disability and hospitalized at the 3rd London General Hospital 17.6.1917. He was discharged to Perham Downs 21.8.1917 and joined the 1st Division Artillery 10.9.1917. Shenton was hospitalised with laryngitis 15.10.1917 and discharged to Sutton Veny 13.2 1918. He proceeded overseas to France 18.5.1918 and was transferred to the 1st Australian Division Trench Mortar Bde. as Lieut. 30.7.1918. The first Division fought at Hamel in July 1918, Amiens in August 1918 and Mont St. Quentin. Shenton departed France for England and proceeded to Taranto Italy. He embarked for Australia on furlough ‘Special Leave’ 26.9.1918. In Italy he embarked per ‘Port Darwin’ for Fremantle 8.10.1918.
Embarked for Australia per ‘Port Darwin’ 8.10.1918.
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 13.1918.
Discharged/Appointment terminated 2.3.1919.
Final Rank Lieut., 1st Australian Division Trench Mortar Bde.
Medical Condition NK.
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Shenton AWM documentation describes him as embarking per HMAT ‘Medic’
He was engaged to Kathleen Samson in 1914 (Western Mail 16.10.1914) and then to May Hallet in 1919 (Daily News 10.1.1918) He became a JP, was secratary on the Quaraiding roads Board and sat on the and Wagin Roads Board. He died 13.6.1947
(West Australian Newspaper 15.6.1947)
Photos Lieut. Clive Shenton front left, with 1st Division Trench Mortar Bde 1918.Portrait. Photograph source Western Mail 26.4.1918
Artillery at Shellgreen Gallipoli 1915. Photograph donor Lieut.- Col. A.M. Martyn, photograph source AWM J0260
Lieut. Clive Shenton front left, with 1st Division Trench Mortar Bde 1918. Photograph source Western Mail 26.4.1918
Shelling of Hamel. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced AWM E02618
Amiens France after bombing 1917. Photograph source AWM H02108
Information Source
AWM J0260. Artillery at Shellgreen Gallipoli 1915. Photograph donor Lieut.- Col. A.M. Martyn, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E02618. Shelling of Hamel. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM H02108. Amiens, Franc, after bombing 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Clive Myrell Shenton
Daily News
Gallipoli Campaign 3rd FAB
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
NAA: B2455,Shenton Clive Myrell
West Australian Newspaper
Western Mail
Shenton Road, Mt Claremont, WA.
Associated Images
Artillery at Shellgreen Gallipoli 1915. Photograph donor Lieut.- Col. A.M. Martyn, photograph source AWM J0260
Lieut. Clive Shenton front left, with 1st Division Trench Mortar Bde 1918. Phootgraph source Western Mail 26.4.1918
Shelling of Hamel. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced AWM E02618
Amiens France after bombing 1917. Photograph source AWM H02108