Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Thomas Bedford
ER Sgt . Australian Army Pay Corps. SN 512. Returned 24.12.1918.
Date Enlisted | 19/12/1914 |
Service Number | SN 521 |
Age of Enlistment | 26 years |
Place of Enlistment | Claremont, WA |
Place of Birth | Bunbury, WA |
Previous Military Experience | 2nd Squadron 18th Regt Australian Light Horse, 4 years |
Occupation | Bank Clerk |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Mother - Mrs W.B. Mitchell, ‘The Willows’, Bunbury, WA |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘Mashobra’ A47 for Egypt 8.2.1915.
Roll Rank Trooper.
Roll Unit 3rd Brigade, 10th Light Horse Regiment, ‘B’ Company.
Mitchell disembarked in Egypt with his Regt. After a period of intene training, he embarked at Alexandria with MEF for Gallipoli per the 'Euripides' 16.5.1915. Mitchell became sick with Influenza at Gallipoli 11.7.1915. He was transferred to hospital at Lemnos 24th Casualty Clearing Station 23.7.1915. Mitchell was transported to Mudros and admitted to Mudros Hospital with Gastritis 13.8.1915. He was evacuated to Alexandria per HT ‘Karoo’ 26.12.1915 and admitted to hospital at Abbassia with mumps 2.1.1916. It was determined that he had sufferred some problems from a hernia and was limited to light duties. On recovery, he was transferred to the AIF HQ 28.2.1916 and attached to the Army Pay Corp 1.9.1916 and then to the ANZAC Mounted Div. Base 12.6.1917. Mitchell rose through the ranks becoming an Extra Regimental Sergeant 3.11.1917. He joined the BEF 11.8.1916 and embarked for England per HT ‘Euripides’. In England, where worked with the AIF Pay Corp (APC) in the London HQ. Mitchell marched out for return to Egypt for duty per HT ’Kalyan’ 17.3.1917. Mitchell was transferred back to the APC in Cairo 13.6.1917. He was promoted to T/Cpl. and marched out to the Australian Training Corps (ATC) at the Details Camp (DC) 11.4.1917. He was promoted to Extra Regimental Staff (E/R/S) Sergeant 3.11.1917. Moore went AWOL in Cairo. He was awarded for his crime with a demotion to Rank of Trooper. His Mother sought his return or relocation to a southern English port in a clerical capacity, as she felt it was the 'only way he would get a Commission', however, his clerical skills were required in Egypt and her request was not granted.
Mitchell’s mother died 9.9.1918 and Mitchell requested to return to Australia and perform any duty necessary on the transport back 28.9.1918. He was listed for return to Australia 13.10.1918 with canteen duties 20.10.1918. He embarked per ’Port Sydney’ as Canteen Sgt. He disembarked in Melbourne and it was recommended he take '4 weeks leave' in WA (5th MD) and be returned to duty in Egypt. Mitchell was granted 1 months leave. He returned to duties in the 5th Military District 17.1.1919. Mitchell was mentioned in Despatches (Gazetted in Australian Commonwealth Gazette 23.5.1919 p895).
Embarked Suez for Australia per ‘Port Sydney’ with canteen duties 20.10.1918.
Returned/Disembarked Melbourne 24.12.1918.
Discharged 22.2.1919.
Final Rank Private, Australian Army Pay Corps
Medical Condition NK.
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Mentioned in Dispatches -In Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No.61, 23.5.1919.
Notes Mitchell had a hernia operation 4 months prior to embarkation, this rendered the him unfit for many duties – he suffered pain whilst riding and carrying bombs at ANZAC. He was deemednfit for heavy duties and horseback riding. Mitchell returned to duty 27.1.1919 possibly in Australia. The AWM Service File contains letters from Family seeking to move him from Egypt to England.
Mitchell’s brother was the Honourable James Mitchell C.M. , later Premier of WA. Mitchell received medals but does not appear to have been involved in active service after Gallipoli.. Mitchell moved to Victoria and was married in 1933 to Mrs Carse (Eileen Constance Bernard) (The Argus 16.12.1933 p19). He worked as a manager with the Bank of New South Wales in Victoria. Mitchell died 25.2.1944 (The Age. Melb. 26.2.1944 p3)
Photos SS 'Mashobra'. Photographer unknown, photograph source Naval Collection AWM P10509.023.001
4th Field Ambulance Hospital Gallipoli July 1915. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C0066
Abassia Hospital, Cairo 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C03543
HMAT 'Port Sydney' A15. Originally 'Star of England'. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C02483
Information Source
AWM P10509.023.001. SS 'Mashobra'. Photographer unknown, photograph source Naval Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM C0066. 4th Field Ambulance Hospital Gallipoli July 1915. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM C03543. Abassia Hospital, Cairo 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM C02483. HMAT 'Port Sydney' A15. Originally 'Star of England'. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll Thomas Bedford Mitchell
AWM Honours and Awards- Thomas Bedford Mitchell
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, mentioned in AWM Honours and Awards Thomas Bedford Mitchell
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
NAA: B2455, Mitchell Thomas Bedford
The Age. Melb.
The Argus
Bunbury, WA.
Associated Images
SS 'Mashobra'. Photographer unknown, photograph source Naval Collection AWM P10509.023.001
4th Field Ambulance Hospital Gallipoli July 1915. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C0066
Abassia Hospital, Cairo 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C03543
HMAT 'Port Sydney' A15. Originally 'Star of England'. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM C02483