Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Gunner. 1st Australian Field Artillery (AFA). SN 12302. KIA France. 21.7.1917. Age 32 years
Date Enlisted | 02/11/1915 |
Service Number | SN 12302 |
Age of Enlistment | 30 years 9 months |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Sydney, NSW |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Insurance Clerk AMP |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Fort St. Boys High School Petersham and Sydney High School |
Address History | Father - John Linton, Lindisfarne, Hilltop Crec, Manly, NSW. c/- JB Huntingdon, 76 Kings Park Road, Perth, WA |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
KIA (Killed in Action) |
Military History
Linton enlisted with the Artillery in WA. He proceeded to Maribyrnong, Victoria for further Artillery training with the Field Artillery.
Embarked Melbourne, Vic. per HMAT ‘Themistocles’ A 32 for Egypt 28.1.1916.
Roll Rank Gunner.
Roll Unit 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 14th Reinforcements
Linton disembarked at Suez with his Brigade. He was taken on strength with the No. 3 Training Section in Cairo 29.2.1916. Linton was taken on Strength with 23rd Battery at Tel-el-Kebir 9.3.1916. After a period of intensive training, he joined the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in Alexandria and embarked for France 22.3.1916. He disembarked at Marseilles 28.3.1916. The 1st Division, on arrival in France, were given training to acclimatize them to trench warfare and the risk of gas exposure and was then relocated to Armentieres. Linton was transferred to 21st Field Artillery Brigade in France 15.5.1916. He fought at Pozieres in July 1916 and was promoted to Temporary Bombardier. 4.12.1916 for the return to front- lines on the Somme. In January 1917, Linton transferred to the 3rd Battery, 1st Australian Field Artillery Brigade and reverted to the rank of Gunner 24.1.1917. The 1st Division fought at Bullecourt in May 1917 and Ypres in July 1917. Linton was KIA at Zillebeke Lake, Ypres. He was buried at Reninghelst New Military Cemetery, Poperinghe, Belgium. Plot 3, Row C, Grave 10.
‘I saw him killed at Zillebeke Lake, Ypres. He was hit on the head and side, death being instantaneous. I carried him away from the Battery, and he was then taken to the Cemetery at Reninghelst and buried there, and the grave was marked by a cross bearing all his particulars’.
(AWM Red Cross File)
Final Rank Gunner, Brigade 3rd Battery, 1st Australian Field Artillery (AFA) .
Medical Condition Deceased, KIA.
Awards and Medals British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Beatrice Evans of 16 Helena St. Guildford, WA was writing to Linton whilst he was overseas. Linton was a Chorister at St. Georges Cathedral, Perth. His name is commemorated on a brass plaque in the Cathedral, that is dedicated to the 12 Fallen Choristers in WW1. It is thought that the Evans family may have recommended the placement of Linton's name on the St. Matthew's Honour Roll, or the Barnes Family who had a son Captain Barnes who was a chorister at St. George's Cathedral and was associated with St. Matthew's Church.
Photos HMAT 'Themistocles' at Fremantle, WA. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM 304038
Pozieres Battle Field June 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E05391
Trenches by Zillebeke Lake 29.9.1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E04611
Reninghelst New Military Cemetery, Popperinge, France. Photographer unknown, photograph source CWGC
James Linton. Image source Western Mail, Family Notices 17.8.1917 p27
James Linton. The Newsletter (Sydney) 25.8.1917 p8
Information Source
AWM 304038. HMAT 'Themistocles' at Fremantle,WA. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E05391. Pozieres Battle Field June 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E04611. Trenches by Zillebeke Lake 29.9.1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll James Linton
AWM Roll of Honour) James Linton
AWM Red Cross File James Linton
CWGC. Reninghelst New Military Cemetery, Popperinge, France. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission,
Gardiner, A. Western Australian Pipe Organs- the tale of twelve choristers. Organ Society website February 2009.
NAA: B2455, Linton James
St Matthew’s Honour Roll
St Matthews Fallen
The Newsletter.
Western Mail
Lindisfarnie, Hilltop Crec. Manly. NSW. (Father Mr. John Linton)
C/- JB Huntingdon 76 Kings Park Rd, Perth WA.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Themistocles' at Fremantle,WA. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM 304038
Pozieres Battle Field June 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E05391
Trenches by Zillebeke Lake 29.9.1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E04611
Reninghelst New Military Cemetery, Popperinge, France. Photographer unknown, photograph source CWGC
James Linton. Image source Western Mail, Family Notices 17.8.1917 p27
James Linton. The Newsletter (Sydney) 25.8.1917 p8