Anzac Profile

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Educational Interest
Hubert Peter
Private. 16th Battalion. AIF. SN 6501. Died from Wounds 19.9.1917. Age 27 years
14 Olive Street, Guildford, WA
Date Enlisted | 23/06/1916 |
Service Number | SN 6501 |
Age of Enlistment | 36 years 10 months |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Guildford, WA |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Railway Guard |
Marital Status | Married |
Religion | Wesleyan |
School Attended | Guildford State School |
Address History | Wife - Lillian Blanche Demasson, 14 Olive Street Guildford, WA (Had six children). Mother - Mrs. Peter Demasson, Swan Street, Guildford, WA |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
DoD (Died of Disease) |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per ‘Port MacQuarie’A39 to England 13.10.1916
Roll Rank Private.
Roll Unit 21st Reinf, 26th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force.
Demasson disembarked at Plymouth with his Unit 12.12.1916. He marched in to Codford to the 4th Training Bn. 12.12.1916. After a brief period of intensive training, he proceeded overseas to France per SS ‘Princess Victoria’ 8.2.1917. Demasson was transferred from Reinf. to the 26th Bn. 11.2.1916 and taken on Strength in the field 2 days later. He became sick with influenza 23.2.1917, was taken by the 12th Australian Field Ambulance to a Casualty Clearing Station and then to the 18th General Hospital at Carrieres 23.2.1917. On recovery, he rejoined his unit in France 28.3.1917. Demasson was taken on strength in the field with the 26th Bn. as they fought in the first Battle of Bullecourt in the assault on the Hindenburg Line. He was reported missing on the first day of action 11.4.1917. He was taken prisoner 11.4.1917 and interned as a POW at Mreigsgefangen Enstammlager Limburg - this was reported in postcard of 21.6.1917 (AWM). He was reported to have been well and working with a work party at Marquion, by a fellow POW 19.5.1917 (AWM Red Cross File). He became sick with dysentery whilst in the POW camp in September, and died of disease 19.9.1917, at the POW Camp Hospital- Kreigs Lazarett, Langensalza, Germany. (Reported West Australian Newspaper 11.6.1917). Demasson was buried at Langensalza Cemetery POW Cemetery, Saxony 43/ 2C, Row 5, Grave 975. After the war, his body was exhumed and re- interred at an Allied Cemetery - Niederzwehren Cemetery, Niederzwehren, Germany.
Final Rank Private, 16th Battalion, AIF
Medical Condition Deceased, Died of wounds.
Awards and Medals British War Medal, Victory Medal.
‘ In the sweet by and by
we shall meet on that beautiful shore’
(West Australian Newspaper, Family Notices, Killed in Action 20.9.1918)
Photos H.P Demasson.Photograph sourced and reproduced with permission of B.Ducie.
H.P. Demasson Grave. Photograph reproduced with permission of Hesperian Press. 2014. p80
HMAT Port MacQuarie. Photograph sourced from the A.C. Green Collection, image reproduced with permission of the Great Southern Postcards
Bullecourt, France 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H12360
Limburg POW Camp, Germany. Photographer unknown, photograph source Irish Prisoners of War website
Demasson H.P. Grave. Palmer and Ashworth (1922) Facs.Ed. Photograph reproduced with permission of Hesperian Press, pub Vic.Park WA. 2014 p80
Information Source
AWM H12360. Bullecourt, France 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced form the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll- Hurbert Peter Demasson
Christensen R. (Ed), ‘To All my Dear People’ . Fremantle Arts Centre Press. 1988.
Great Southern Postcards. 'Port Macquarie'.
Guildford Primary School Honour Roll
Guildford War Memorial
Irish Prisoner of War Camps. Limburg Prisoner of War Camp, Germany. Photograph source Irish Prisoner of War Camps website,
NAA: B2455, Demasson H P
Palmer and Ashworth, 'Australia's Fighting Sons of the Empire'. Demasson H.P. Grave. Palmer and Ashworth (1922) Facs.Ed. Photograph reproduced with permission of Hesperian Press, pub Vic.Park WA. 2014 p80
Photo B.Ducie
Roll of Honour- Hurbert Peter Demasson
Wesley Chapel Honour Roll
West Australian Newspaper
14 Olive Street, Guildford, WA.
Associated Images

HMAT Port 'MacQuarie'. Photograph sourced from the A.C. Green Collection, image reproduced with permission of the Great Southern Postcards
Bullecourt, France 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H12360
Limburg POW Camp, Germany. Photographer unknown, photograph source Irish Prisoners of War website

Demasson H.P. Grave. Palmer and Ashworth (1922) Facs.Ed. Photograph reproduced with permission of Hesperian Press, pub Vic.Park WA. 2014 p80