Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Frederick (Fred)
Pollard Frederick. Pte. 4th Reinf. 16th Bn. AIF. SN 1851. KIA Lone Pine Gallipoli 10.8.1915. Age 23 years
c/- Agnes Gertrude Pollard, 15 Johnson Street, Guildford, WA (house no longer stands)
Date Enlisted | 18/01/1915 |
Service Number | SN 1851 |
Age of Enlistment | 23 years |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Guildford, WA |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Labourer |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | NK |
Address History | Resided with Aunt Emma Pollard, 'Pioneer House', 84 Seventh Avenue, Maylands, WA. Aunt Gertrude Pollard, Johnson Street, Guildford, WA |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
KIA (Killed in Action) |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘ Argyllshire’ A8 for Egypt 19.4.1915
Roll Rank Private
Roll Unit 16th Battalion, 4th Reinforcements.
Pollard disembarked in Egypt. After a period of intensive training, he entrained to Alexandria, joined MEF and embarked for the Gallipoli Peninsular. He was taken on strength with 11th Bn. in Gallipolli 2.6.1915. The 11th Battalion fought at Gaba Tepe, Beach Head, Leane's Trench in the Battle of Lone Pine August 6th 1915. Pollard was thought to have been killed some time after this with the official date given as KIA 10.8.1915 . His body was not recovered
Pollard was KIA 10.8.1915. There was no record of his burial site. He is commemorated at Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli Peninsular, Canakkle Province, Turkey.
Medical Condition Dec’d KIA.
Final Rank Private, 11th Infantry Bn.
Awards/ Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Pollard was brought up by an Aunt from the age of 1-2 years, he was then placed in an orphage until 5 years of age. From that time on he resided with his aunt at (15) Johnson St. Guildford WA. His stepbrother enlisted with him in the 16th Battalion. Pollard was born in Guildford
Photos Pte. Fred Pollard Portrait. Photograph source Western Mail 5.11.1915 p28
Gallipoli Graves. Photographer unknown, photograph source source AWM H16972
Lone Pine Memorial Gallipoli 1936. Photograph donor J.Richter, photograph source AWM P02768.007
Pte. Frederick Pollard. Photograph source Western Mail 5.11.1915 p28
Source of information
AWM H16972 Photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial,
AWM P02768.007. Lone Pine Memorial Gallipoli 1936. Photograph donor J.Richter, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Roll of Honour Frederick Pollard
NAA: B2455, Pollard F
Western Mail
84 Seventh Avenue, Maylands, WA.
15 Johnson Street, Guildford, WA
Associated Images
Gallipoli Graves 1915. Photographer unknown, photograph source H16972
Lone Pine Memorial Gallipoli 1936. Photograph donor J.Richter, photograph source AWM P02768.007
Pte. Frederick Pollard. Photograph source Western Mail 5.11.1915 p28