Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Samuel St. George
Gunner. 1st Field Artillery Brigade. SN 799. Returned 22.1.1919
Date Enlisted | 06/01/1915 |
Service Number | SN 799 |
Age of Enlistment | 21 years |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | 'Georgina', Geraldton, WA |
Previous Military Experience | 87th Infantry for 2 years,then left WA |
Occupation | Farmer |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Father - Mr. George Hamersley, ‘Georgina’, near Geraldton, WA |
Military History
Hamersley disembarked in Egypt 8.3.1915 and marched in to the Training Camp. After a brief period of intensive training, he embarked at Alexandria for the Dardenelles 16.5.1915. Hamersley disembarked with his Regiment at Gallipoli on 5.5.1915. Hamersley was wounded in action with a ‘slight’ GSW to his shoulder 30.5.1915. He returned to duty at Gallipoli and contracted influenza 13.7.1915 and was transferred to the 2nd Australian Stationary Hospital at Mudros. Hamersley was then transferred to the 24th Casualty Clearing Station from 2.7.1915- 4.8.1915. Hamersley sprained his knee 10.8.1915, after a period of convalescence he returned to duty at Anzac 15.8.1915. Hamersley was then reported as being transferred to England and admitted to Wandsworth Hospital 23.8.1918. He returned to duty at Anzac 29.9.1915. The 10th Light Horse Regiment as part of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade was evacuated from Gallipoli per HT ‘Karoo’ and disembarked at Alexandria 26.12.1915. Hamersley marched into the Heliopolis and was transferred to the 4th Division Artillery Brigade 1.4.1916. He marched in to Alexandria, joined the BEF and embarked for France 6.6.1916.
Hamersley disembarked at Marseilles 13.6.1916 and was promoted to Gunner in the Trench Mortar Battery (TMB). Hamersley was charged on 16.2.1917 with showing wilful defiance and disobedience of orders. He was Court Martialled and sentenced to 5 years prison sentence (PS). This sentence was remitted and he was sent back to France. Hamersley was wounded in action (2nd time) at Messines, being buried by a shell and was reported to have been suffering from wounds and shell shock. He was taken by the 23rd Field Ambulance to the the 49th Casualty Clearing Station 3.5.1917 and then to the 3rd Stationary Hospital at Rouen. Hamersley was transferred to the 11th Convalescent Camp.
On the 18.5.1917 he was discharged from Hospital and marched into the Divisional Trench Mortar Battery (DTMB). He was taken on strength in the field with the 4th Divisional Artillery Column 8.6.1917 and then transferred to 4th Division Heavy and Medium Trench Mortar Battery (H&MTMB). Hamersley was wounded in action a third time, with a SW to his left arm at Passchendaele 11.10.1917. He was transferred to the 2nd Convalescent Camp at Rouen 14.10.1917 and rejoined his Unit in the field 16.12.1917. Hamersley was admitted to Hospital in London 19.3.1918. He proceeded overseas to France 19.6.1918 and rejoined his Unit in the field 26.6.1918. Hamersley was listed for return to Australia and embarked from France for Southampton 6.12.1918.
Final Rank Gunner, 1st Field Artillery Brigade.
Medical Condition NK. (wounded 3 times and shell shock)
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
Notes Hamersley, S. is listed on the AWM site with 2 'm's in the surname.
Photos HMAT 'Itonus'. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H02240
Australian Troops being towed ashore at Gallipoli. Photographer R.M. Bowman photograph source AWM P2194.005
Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove, Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans. Photograph source AWM A05763
Australian Soldiers travelling to Messines Ridge June 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00475
Passchendaele 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E01200
Information Source
AWM H02240. HMAT 'Itonus'. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Austraiamn War Memorial
AWM P2194.005. Australian Troops being towed ashore at Gallipoli. Photographer R.M. Bowman photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Autralian War Memorial
AWM A05763. Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove, Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans. Photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00475. Australian Soldiers travelling to Messines Ridge June 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E01200. Passchendaele 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM 4th Division.
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll.
NAA: B2455, Hamersley Samuel St.George.
‘Georgina’, near Geraldton. WA.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Itonus'. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H02240
HMAT 'Itonus'. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H02240
Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove, Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans. Photograph source AWM A05763
Australian Soldiers travelling to Messines Ridge June 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00475
Passchendaele 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E01200