Anzac Profile

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Educational Interest
Michael Denny
L/ Cpl. 12th Field Ambulance AAMC. SN 9843. Returned 8.7.191.
9 Martha Street, Guildford, WA
Date Enlisted | 14/12/1915 |
Service Number | SN 9843 |
Age of Enlistment | 25 years 4 months |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Fremantle, WA |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Carpenter |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Roman Catholic |
School Attended | NK |
Address History | Father Deceased. Mother - Annie Roach, Martha Street, Guildford, WA |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘Shropshire’ A9 for Egypt 31.3.1916.
Roll Rank Private.
Roll Unit 16th Reinf, 4th Field Ambulance.
Roach disembarked in Egypt with the 4th Field Ambulance. After a short period of training, he was transported to Alexandria and the joined BEF. Roach embarked at Alexandria per HMT ‘Corsican’ for UK 28.5.1916. He disembarked at Devonport and was transferred to Devonport Hospital 11.6.1916. Roach marched in to the Command Depot Perham Downs. He was transferred to the 8th Field Ambulance 28.8.1916. Proceeded overseas to France 15.8.1916. He reported sick in the Field with scabies 31.10.1916 and was admitted to the 2nd Stationary Hospital, then transferred to Abbeyville Hospital 31.10.1916. He rejoined the Field Ambulance 14.11.1916. Roach was appointed L/Cpl. with 12th Field Ambulance 14.9.1918. Roach took leave and embarked per SS ’Leinster 'for Ireland. His ship was torpedoed 10.10.1918 (Maryborough Chronicle Q’land.14,10.1918 p3) (LeCane, P. 2005.) (AIF passengers detailed in AWM Red Cross File) Roach was initially reported missing at sea - thought drowned. He was then reported as surviving the event. In this incident, the ship had a crew and passengers of 771 and 552 lives were lost. Roach was one of the 219 survivors. Roach rejoined the 12th Field Artillery in France from leave 31.10.1918. He marched out of Belgium for return to Australia 21.3.1919. Roach disembarked at Weymouth and marched in to Hurdcott 1.4.1919. He returned to Australia per SS ’Somali’ as nursing staff.
Embarked for Australia per SS ‘Somali’ 28.5.1919.
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 8.7.1919.
Discharged 22.8.1919.
Final Rank L/Cpl. 12th Field Ambulance, AMC.
Medical Condition NK.
Awards and Medals British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Roach's father (Micahel Roach) died in 1911, leaving his mother with 2 children and in debt. His sister Mary Kathleen Roach married Walter Brougham Pickles and continued to live in the family home in Martha Street with her mother. Michael (known to his family as Denny or Dennis) enlisted shortly after his sister's wedding. On return, Roach lost contact with his family. His niece Mrs M. Morrell of Mt Lawley sought contact details through Army HQ 1955. Roach M.D. is recorded as deceased 1948, late of 116 Forrest Street, North Perth, WA. His name is not on State War Memorial. His nephew Mr Harry Pickles lived in the family home until c1990. Cemetery records show he was married to Catherine and both Roachs are buried at the Guildfrd Cemetery.
Photos HMAT 'Shropshire'. Photographer Hazlewood Rex. Photograph source AWM P01843.001
Stretcher bearers bringing in the wounded at from the Albert- Bapaume area of the Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00049
Stretcher bearers bringing in the wounded at from the Albert- Bapaume area of the Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00049
SS' Leinster' leaving Kingston Harbour, 1918. Image source The Australian Melbourne 26.10.1918 p 3
SS Leinster. Post card by Andrew Read, lithographers Newcastle on Tyne
Information Source
Andrew Read. SS Leinster. Post card by Andrew Read, lithographers Newcastle on Tyne
AWM P01843.001 . HMAT 'Shropshire'. Photographer Hazlewood Rex. Photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00049. Stretcher bearers bringing in the wounded at from the Albert- Bapaume area of the Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00049 . Stretcher bearers bringing in the wounded at from the Albert- Bapaume area of the Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll- Michael Denny Roach
AWM Red Cross File Michael Ernest Smith- AIF passengers SS ’Leinster' Queensland
Guildford War Memorial
Le Cane, P .’Torpedoed- the Story of the SS Leinster Disaster.’ Periscope Pub.2005
Marlborough Chronicle,
NAA: B2455, Roach Michael Denny
The Australian. SS' Leinster' leaving Kingston Harbour, 1918.
Wise H. and Coy. Western Australian Post Office Directories. SLWA
9 Martha Street, Guildford, WA.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Shropshire'. Photographer Hazlewood Rex. Photograph source AWM P01843.001
Stretcher bearers bringing in the wounded at from the Albert- Bapaume area of the Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00049
SS' Leinster' leaving Kingston Harbour, 1918. Image source The Australian Melbourne 26.10.1918 p 3

SS Leinster. Post card by Andrew Read, lithographers Newcastle on Tyne