Anzac Profile

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Educational Interest
Sgt. (Hon/Bn. Sgt. Major) 11th Battery, 4th FAB. SN 29473. Returned 31.12.1919. Awarded Belgian Croix de Guerre.
77 James Street, Guildford, WA
Date Enlisted | 05/02/1916 |
Service Number | SN 29473 |
Age of Enlistment | 26 years 3 months |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Footscray, Victoria |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Farmer |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Roman Catholic |
School Attended | NK |
Address History | Father - Michael O’Grady, 77 James Street, Guildford, WA |
Military History
O’Grady enlisted with Artillery Reinf. He was transferred for training to Maribyrnong, Victoria 15.8.1916. He transferred to the 118th Howitzer Brigade 31.8.1916 and promoted to Acting Bdr. prior to embarkation.
Embarked Melbourne per HMAT ‘Aeneas’ A60 for England 2.10.1916.
Roll Rank Acting Bombardier.
Roll Unit 118th Howitzer Brigade.
O’Grady disembarked at Plymouth 19.11.1916. He proceeded overseas to France and marched in to the 3rd Division Army Details (DAD)12.1.1917. He transferred to the 3rd Division Ammunition Column (DAC) and taken on strength 10.3.1917 and then transferred to the 3rd Australian General Base Details (AGBD) 20.3.1917. O’Grady was transferred to the 2nd Division Field Artillery 25.6.1917. He was taken on strength with the 4th Field Artillery Brigade (FAB) 2.7.1917. This Brigade fought at Flanders from June - November 1917. O'Grady was promoted to Temp. Cpl. 4.10.1917, to Cpl. 9.1.1918 and Sgt. 12.2.1918. O’Grady developed Influenza 26.6.1918 and was hospitalised for a week, returning to join his Bde 26.6.1918. The Australian Offensive began in August 1918, when the Artillery supported the Infantry at Peronne, Amiens, Mont St Quentin, Bellicourt and Hindenburg. O’Grady was wounded in action possibly at Amiens, however, he remained on duty despite his injuries 7.8.1918. (West Australian Newspaper 16.9.1918) for this action, he was recommended for the Belgian Croix de Guerre 13.10.1918. O’Grady was promoted to T/Bombardier, Sgt Major (BSM) 19.2.1919. On demobilisation he was granted leave to study Agricultural Instruction in Denmark 15.7.1919 - 15.9.1919.
Embarked for Australia per HT ‘Pakehar’ 6.10.1919.
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 16.11.1919
Discharged 31.12.1919.
Final Rank T/ Bn Sgt. Major, 11th Battery 4th FAB .AIF.
Medical Condition NK.
Awards and Medals Croix de Guerre, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Recommendation for Belgian Croix de Guerre (London Gazette 5.4.1918):
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On the 8th October 1916 near Jancourt, this NCO when in charge of his gun, was heavily shelled, he handled his subsection in a masterly manner and by his coolness and splendid example kept his gun team in action under most trying conditions and enabled a most important Barrage to be kept up, thereby assisting the advancing Infantry. Several times in these operations from 3rd October to 6 October 1916, his own gun in action was subject to heavy enemy shelling, by his devotion to duty and disregard of his own safety he kept his men together and greatly assisted his Commanding Officer through most important operations. His strong leadership set a splendid example for all.’
(AWM Honours and Awards)
Notes Brothers Albert (SN 6626 ) and James (SN 3526) served in WW1.
Photos HMAT 'Aeneus'. Photographer unknown, photograph source State Library NSW image a636033r
Australian Field Artillery with 18 pounder gun at Zonnebeke Oct.1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E01290
Carrying ammunition to the Australian Artillery front line, the day prior to the Battle of Amiens 7.8.1918 . Photographer unknown, photograph source E02849
Artillery prepare to support 4th Army Bde October 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E03645
Information Source
AWM E01290. Australian Field Artillery with 18 pounder gun at Zonnebeke Oct.1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E02849. Carrying ammunition to the Australian Artillery front line, the day prior to the Battle of Amiens 7.8.1918 . Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E03645. Artillery prepare to support 4th Army Bde October 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source
d from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll- Leonard O’Grady
AWM Honours and Awards Leonard O’Grady
Guildford War Memorial
NAA: B2455, O’Grady Leonard
SLNSW image a636033r. HMAT 'Aeneus'. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the State Library New South Wales
West Australian Newspaper
77 James Street, Guildford, WA.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Aeneus'. Photographer unknown, photograph source State Library NSW image a636033r
Australian Field Artillery with 18 pounder gun at Zonnebeke Oct.1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E01290
Carrying ammunition to the Australian Artillery front line, the day prior to the Battle of Amiens 7.8.1918 . Photographer unknown, photograph source E02849
Artillery prepare to support 4th Army Bde October 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E03645