Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Hugh James
Lieut. Field Artillery Brigade. SN 101. Returned 4.11.1919.
Date Enlisted | 11/12/1914 |
Service Number | SN 101 |
Age of Enlistment | 19 years 10 months |
Place of Birth | Perth, WA |
Previous Military Experience | 5 years Compulsory Service with 41st Infantry |
Occupation | Student at Hawkesbury Agricultural College |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Presbyterian |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Father - R.D. McKenzie, Bank of NSW / London, UK |
Military History
Requested to be placed in the Veterinary Section of the Army as per his studies 10.12.1914.
Embarked Fremantle per HMT ‘Ajana’ A 31 for 19.12.1914.
Roll Rank Gunner.
Roll Unit Army Veterinary Corps.
McKenzie disembarked at Egypt. He marched in to the 1st Veterinary Corps. McKenzie was hospitalised with eczema on both feet 15.3.1915. He transferred to Base Details at Mena Camp. McKenzie was again Hospitalised 30.9.1915 -15.10.1915. He was promoted to Sgt. with the 1st Veterinary Section 7.3.1916 transferred to the 51st Bn. and then to Bde HQ 3.4.1916. He joined the BEF at Alexandria and embarked per ‘Rhesus’ for France 16.6.1916. McKenzie disembarked at Marseilles 24.6.1916. He was attached to the 5th Mobile Veterinary Section 1.10.1917. McKenzie was transferred to 14th FAB and taken on strength with this unit 24.2.1918.
He was wounded in action in the field during the Battle of Amiens, with a GSW to his right leg 8.8.1918. He was taken by the 15th Field Ambulance to No.61 Casualty Clearing Station 8.8.1918. McKenzie was then transferred by HS to England. He was admitted to Boscombe Military Hospital 12.8.1918. He was discharged to the 1st Auxiliary Hospital 21.8.1918. McKenzie joined the Royal Field Artillery at Preston Barracks in Brighton to qualify for a commission in the Australian Field Artillery. He was promoted to probationary 2nd Lieut 6.1.1919. He was admitted to Hospital 12.10.1918 with sore feet. Following Armistice, he was granted 75 days leave to attend a preliminary course from 11.4.1919 - 1.8.1919 for Agricultural Training. After his leave he embarked for return to Australia.
Embarked for Australia per ‘Ascanius’ 23.9.1919.
Returned/Disembarked 4.11.1919.
Discharged/ Appt. Terminated 4.12.1919.
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Photos HMAT 'Ajana'. Photographer Josiah Barnes, photograph source AWM PB0074.
Mobile Veterinary Section Egypt. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM A01983A
Carrying ammunition to the Australian Artillery front line, the day prior to the Battle of Amiens 7.8.1918 . Photographer unknown, photograph source E0284
Wards at the No.1 General Hospital, Harefield, London 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H03592
HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph source AWM H16157
Information Source
AWM HMAT 'Ajana'. Photographer Josiah Barnes, photograph source AWM PB0074
AWM A01983A. Mobile Veterinary Section Egypt. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced form the Pictorial Section of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E0284. Carrying ammunition to the Australian Artillery front line, the day prior to the Battle of Amiens 7.8.1918 . Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM H03592. Wards at the No.1 General Hospital, Harefield, London 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced rom the Pictorial Collection of the Australian war meorial
AWM H1615. HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll Hugh James McKenzie
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
NAA: B2455, McKenzie H J
London, England.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Ajana'. Photographer Josiah Barnes, photograph source AWM PB0074
Mobile Veterinary Section Egypt. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM A01983A
Carrying ammunition to the Australian Artillery front line, the day prior to the Battle of Amiens 7.8.1918 . Photographer unknown, photograph source E0284
Wards at the No.1 General Hospital, Harefield, London 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM H03592
HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph source AWM H16157