Anzac Profile

Educational Interest
Guy Clifton
12th Infantry Battalion. SN 2631. Returned 25.8.1917. Invalided. Awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal
Date Enlisted | 17/06/1915 |
Service Number | SN 2631 |
Age of Enlistment | 26 years 10 months |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Beverley, WA |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Farmer |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | Guildford Grammar School |
Address History | Dumbleyung, WA |
Military History
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘Anchises’ A68 on 2.9.1915.
Roll Rank Private.
Roll Unit 12th Infantry Battalion, 8th Reinforcements, Australian Imperial Force (AIF).
Lukin disembarked in Egypt with the 12th Battalion. He joined his Unit at Mudros 27.11.1915. Lukin was promoted to L/Cpl 1.12.1915. He embarked for Alexandria per HMT ‘Lake Michigan’ 6.1.1916. Lukin was promoted to Corporal 9.3.1916. He became ill and was admitted to hospital at Serapeum 18.3.1916. He proceeded to Alexandria with his Regt, joined the BEF and embarked for France 29.3.1916. Lukin disembarked in Marseilles 5.4.1916 and marched into base at Etaples. The 12th Battalion fought through 1916 in the trenches on the Somme. Lukin was promoted to Sergeant 2.5.1916. His Bn. fought at Pozieres in July 1916. He wrote in a letter to Mrs Adams (Correspondence AWM) that he was suffering from shell shock and exhaustion in 1916. Lukin was admitted to hospital with Mumps 25.2.1917 and rejoined his unit 25.3.1917. The 12th Bn. at this time was fighting as the Germans retreated back to the Hindenburg Line at the first Battle of Bullecourt. Lukin was wounded in action near Boursies in this action, with a gunshot wounds to his shoulder between 6-10.4.1917. He was taken by the 3rd Field Ambulance to the 5th Casualty Clearing Station 9.4.1917, then transferred to the General Hospital at Rouen and invalided by Hospital Ship (HS) ‘Aberdonian’ to England 16.4.1917. He was admitted to the Reading War Hospital 19.4.1917 and was discharged to the 1st Auxiliary Hospital 19.4.1917. Lukin was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal 8.5.1917 for his actions. This was reported in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 4.10.1917 page 2633 position 9, and in the London Gazette 18.6.1917 page 6014 position 1.6.1917. Lukin was discharged from 1st Aux. Hospital to Furlough & Rest at Weymouth 18.6.1917 – 2.7.1917. He was listed for early return to Australia as an invalid, for rest and a change.
Embarked for Australia per HT ‘Benalla’ A 24 25.8.1917
Returned/Disembarked Fremantle 17.10.1917.
Discharged 7.2.1918.
Final Rank Sergeant.
Medical Condition Invalided with GSW wound to shoulder.
Awards and Medals DCM, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal. Victory Medal.
Distinguished Conduct Medal Citation 8.5.1917
‘conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He lead his platoon with great dash and gallantry and later though wounded himself, remained and continued to direct until the objective was obtained. He set a fine example through out.’ (AIF List 193 19.6.1917)
Notes Lukin had three brothers, two served in WW1. Pte Dudley Lukin (SN116), 10th Light Horse Regiment KIA,; 774 Corporal Lionel Roy Lukin (SN 774), 28th Bn. KIA. Goerge Reed Lukin did not serve. Lukin died in May 1930 under tragic circumstances.
Photos HMAT 'Anchises'. Postcard sourced and used with permission of
Ruined village of Boursieres (Boursies) Bullecourt sector 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E01303
Information Source
AWM RCDIG0000193. Correspondence from Guy Clifton Lukin to Mrs Adams 1916. Images sourced from the AWM Digitalised Collection
AWM E01303. Ruined village of Boursieres (Boursies) Bullecourt sector 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll Guy Clifton Lukin
AWM Honours and Awards Guy Clifton Lukin
Guildford Grammar School Honour Roll
Guildford War Memorial
HMAT 'Anchises'. Postcard sourced and used with permission of
NAA: B2455, Lukin Guy Clifton
St Matthew’s Honour Roll
No.1 War Hospital Reading berks. Photograph from Reading Mueum, source
Dumbleyung. WA.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Anchises'. Postcard sourced and used with permission of
Ruined village of Boursieres (Boursies) Bullecourt sector 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E01303
No. 1 War Hospital Reading, Berks. Photograph from Reading Museum source flickr