Anzac Profile

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Educational Interest
John (alias for Millgate, John)
Private. 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery. SN 292. KIA 8.6.1917 Messines. Age 30 years.
Woodbridge Hotel, 50 East Street, Guildford, WA
Date Enlisted | 26/08/1914 |
Service Number | SN 292 |
Age of Enlistment | 28 years |
Place of Enlistment | Perth, WA |
Place of Birth | Lenon, Maidonstone, Kent, England |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Butcher |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Church of England |
School Attended | NK |
Address History | Woodbridge Hotel, Guildford, WA. Mother - Mrs Millgate, Hegg Hill Farm, Smarden, near Maidstone, Kent, England |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
KIA (Killed in Action) |
Military History
Trained at Blackboy Hill, WA.
Embarked Fremantle per HMAT ‘Ascanius’ A11 for Egypt 2.11.1914.
Roll Rank Private.
Roll Unit 11th Battalion. 3rd Brigade.
Crump disembarked with the 11th Battalion in Egypt. Trained through to April 1915. the 11th Battalion entrained to Alexandria, joined the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force and embarked per HT ’Suffolk’ for Lemnos, March 1915. Boarded HMS ’London’ for Gallipoli 24.4.1915. The 11th Battalion landed at 4.30am 25.4.1915 at ANZAC, to provide cover for the landing forces. He fought at Gaba Tepe and Lone pine. Crump was admitted to the 1st Australian Casualty Clearing Station with diarrhoea. He was transferred to Mudros by Hospital Ship. A medical decision to have him transferred per HT ’Ascanius’ to England, was changed, he disembarked at Malta and was admitted to St. Patrick’s Hospital 25.8.1915. Crump was still very ill, and a decision was made to transfer him to England by HS ‘Scotian’ 10.9.1915. He was admitted to the London War Hospital 18.9.1915. Crump was detailed with the 28th Draft for the Egyptian Expeditionary Force and embarked for Egypt 28.3.1916. He marched in to the 3rd Training Battalion at Tel-el-Kebir 18.4.1916. At Serapeum he was transferred to the 47th Battalion 25.4.1916 and then transferred to the 48th Battalion 26.4.1916. He entrained to Alexandria, joined the British Expeditionary Force and embarked for France per HMT ‘Caledonian’ 2.6.1916. He disembarked at Marseilles 9.6.1916 and transferred for duty with the 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 4th Division 29.7.1916. He was diagnosed with mumps whilst in the field and transferred to the 21st S/M Clearing Station 16.9.1916 and was discharged as fit for duty 26.9.1916. He rejoined his unit 29.6.1916. Crump fought on the Somme. He was appointed Lance Corporal 22.2.1917 and was KIA 8.6.1917. Crump and other gun crew were digging a gun emplacement when a shell hit them. Crump and J. Peverill (SN 2235) were both killed in this shell explosion (Red Cross Files Joseph Peverill) (NAA Service Record. Communication Lt. Coward). They were buried on site and a cross marked the grave, located 1000 yards east from Messines and 60 yards south from the Messines les Quatre, Rois Cabinet Road. The grave was sited at U.4.A.25.70, sheet 28 S.W. 4.1 /10,000.
It is not known if his name is commemorated on any memorial in France as no record was found.
Final Rank Lance Corporal 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery.
Medical Condition Deceased, KIA.
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Notes Crump was the alias or alternative name of John Millgate. He was known to the peope of Guildford through his employ at Swan Meatworks by his alias Crump. It also appears his christian name was Jonathon from the obituary and reocrds. (Daily News West Australain )His name is not included in the records of the Australian War Memorial although his name is listed as John Millgate on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial. The Light Trench Mortar Batteries were manned by Infantry whereas the Medium and Heavy Trench Mortar Units were manned by the artillery. Some of these units were used for firing gas bombs.
Photos HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph source AWM H16157
Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove, Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans photograph source AWM A05763
Stokes Mortar Gun as used by the LTMBs. Dernancourt 15th June 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E02484
Australian Soldiers travelling to Messines Ridge June 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00475
Messines Ridge Cemetery, showing a grave for Officers and NCOs amongst other graves. Donor A.T.Sharp Collection, photograph source AWM J00655
Crump, J. The Daily News 14.7.1917 p8
Obituary J. Crump. The West Australian 6.11.1917, Family Notices p1
Information Source
AWM H16157. HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM A05763. Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove,Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E02484. Stokes Mortar Gun as used by the LTMBs. Dernancourt 15th June 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00475. Australian Soldiers travelling to Messines Ridge June 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM J00655. Messines Ridge Cemetery, showing a grave for Officers and NCOs amongst other graves. Donor A.T.Sharp Collection, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
Daily News
Guildford War Memorial
NAA: B2455, Crump J
Red Cross Missing and Wounded Files 1DRL/6428. 2235 Private Joseph Peverill.
West Australian Newspapers
Wise, H. and Co. Western Australian Post Office Directories. SLWA
Woodbridge Hotel, 50 East St., Guildford, WA.
Associated Images
HMAT 'Ascanius' 1914. Photographer E.L. Mitchell, photograph source AWM H16157
Casualty Clearing Station on the Beach, Anzac Cove,Gallipol 1915. Photograph donor T.Yeomans photograph source AWM A05763
Stokes Mortar Gun as used by the LTMBs. Dernancourt 15th June 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E02484
Australian Soldiers travelling to Messines Ridge June 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00475
Messines Ridge Cemetery, showing a grave for Officers and NCOs amongst other graves. Donor A.T.Sharp Collection, photograph source AWM J00655
Crump, J. The Daily News 14.7.1917 p8
Obituary J. Crump. The West Australian 6.11.1917, Family Notices p1