Anzac Profile

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Educational Interest
Bertie Edward
Temp. Driver. 11th Battalion. SN 3076. Returned 7.4.1919
11 Meadow Street, Guildford, WA
Date Enlisted | 07/07/1915 |
Service Number | SN 3076 |
Age of Enlistment | 19 years 2 months |
Place of Enlistment | Blackboy Hill, WA |
Place of Birth | Guildford, WA |
Previous Military Experience | Nil |
Occupation | Farm Labourer |
Marital Status | Single |
Religion | Roman Catholic |
School Attended | Guildford State School |
Address History | Father - Alfred Hagan, 11 Meadow Street, Guildford, WA |
Cause of Death or Invalided |
Returned Invalided |
Military History
Father signed consent form for service as Bertie was under 21 years of age.
Embarked Fremantle per ‘Themistocles’ A32 for Egypt 13.10.1915.
Roll Rank Private.
Roll Unit 10th Reinforcements 11th Battalion.
King disembarked in Egypt with the 10th Reinforcements 11th Battalion. He joined his Unit at Tel-el-Kebir 7.1.1916. They entrained to Alexandria joined British Expeditionary Force (BEF), and embarked for France 29.3.1916. King disembarked at Marseilles 1916. His Battalion moved into front line action at Fleurbaix in May 1916. King was wounded in action 30.5.1916 (West Australian Newspaper 4.7.1916) and admitted to hospital suffering from shell shock 31.5.1916. On discharge, he rejoined his Battalion. 5.6.1916. The 11th Bn. moved to Albert 19.7.1916 and commenced preparations for their attack on Pozieres, Mouquet Farm. (Wikipedia 11th Bn.) King was wounded in this action (2nd time) with a gunshot wound to his foot 22.7.1916. The 1st Field Ambulance transferred him to 44th Casualty Clearing Station 23.7.1916. He was then transferred by Hospital Ship (HS) ‘Newhaven’ to England 29.7.1916 and admitted to Bradford War Hospital 29.7.1916. He was discharged to Perham Downs 8.9.1916 and attached to the School of Musketry at Tidworth UK 8.2.1917. He rejoined his Unit 18.9.1918 and was wounded in action (3rd time) during his Battalion’s final attack against the Hindenburg Outpost Line 23.9.1918. He was taken by the 1st Australian Field Ambulance to 5th Casualty Clearing Station with gunshot wounds to his hand and was admitted to the 2nd General Hospital at Rouen 24.8.1918. He rejoined his unit 18.9.1918 and was appointed T/ Driver. He embarked with his unit for England 3.2.1919 and marched in to Sutton Veny 4.2.1919.
Embarked Devonport for Australia per ‘Anchises’ 28.2.1919.
Returned/Disembarked 7.4.1919.
Discharged 3.6.1919.
Final Rank T/ Driver, 11th Battalion Australian Imperial Force (AIF).
Medical Condition Sound. (Wounded 3 times)
Awards and Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
Notes King was one of 3 brothers in service in WW1: Arthur Leonard (SN 3077)KIA, Sydney Alfred (Sgt) returned.
Photo Bertie Kng and King brothers.Swan Express 24.11.1916 p5
HMAT 'Themistocles' at Fremantle. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM 304038
Ruins of Fleurbaix August 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E03723
Mouquet Farm, Albert, Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E00566
Australian Artillery passing through a captured section of the Hindenburg Line, Oct. 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E03506
HMAT 'Anchises'. Photographer A.C.Green, photograph sourced and reproduced with permission of Great Southern Cards
Information Source
AWM 304038. HMAT 'Themistocles' at Fremantle. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E03723. Ruins of Fleurbaix August 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictporial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E00566. Mouquet Farm, Albert, Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM E03506. Australian Artillery passing through a captured section of the Hindenburg Line, Oct. 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph sourced from the Pictorial Collection of the Australian War Memorial
AWM Embarkation Roll Bertie Edward King
Great Southern Cards. HMAT 'Anchises', sourced and reproduced with permission of Great Southern Cards,
Guildford Primary School Honour Roll,
Guildford War Memorial
NAA: B2455, King B E
Swan Express. Bertie King. and King Brothers
West Australian Newspapers
Wikipedia.11th Battalion,
Wise H. and Coy. Western Australian Post Office Directories. SLWA
11 Meadow Street, Guildford. WA.
Associated Images

Sydney, Bert and Arthur King of Guildford. Photo Western Mail block in Swan Express 24.11.1916 p5
HMAT 'Themistocles' at Fremantle. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM 304038
Ruins of Fleurbaix August 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E03723
Mouquet Farm, Albert, Somme December 1916. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E005 66
Australian Artillery passing through a captured section of the Hindenburg Line, Oct. 1918. Photographer unknown, photograph source AWM E03506
HMAT 'Anchises'. Photographer A.C.Green, photograph sourced and reproduced with permission of Great Southern Cards